The Calm Within

When there is a storm at sea, the surface is where it is felt. Far below, the water currents move silently, slowly, untouched by outer weather.

The disciples become frightened at the storm on the lake. They focus more on the waves outside of the boat, than on the One who is in the boat with them. The surface of their souls is tossed back and forth; they forget that deep inside their beings there already is a great calm,

Renew the gift of your life to Jesus. The Lord lives inside you. While he may be “asleep” to your situation that is tossing and turning you about, he is there. Go to that place of calm and cling to Jesus.

Mark 4:35–41

What are “Bible Breaths”? Learn More…

Sundays are dedicated to the Gospels from the Revised Common Lectionary.
In year B, we read from the Gospel of Mark

For the next several weeks, the Firestarters will be from the original version of this program. For these Firestarters I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand of these introductions with you on your phone or tablet. Check the menu options at the site for more information.