Jesus Lover of Your Soul

Mary Magdalene, figure of the New Eve, weeps at the place of sin’s evidence. Robbery continues to be the only alternative, even in the face of two angels whom one would think would stir her to wonder. Place yourself in the scene so you can feel Mary’s desperation and then the release of joy when recognition comes.

The power of the resurrection is in the power of love. John describes this incident in language that recalls the lover seeking the beloved in The Song of Songs, 3:2. The New Adam, the Bridegroom, is here to join in wondrous love with his Bride, the Church—the New Eve.

Remember the questions of Jesus to the first disciples (1:38): “What are you looking for?” … to his arresters (18:4) and here to Mary: “Whom are you looking for?” Let the power of the resurrection stir you to seek for Jesus, lover of your soul.

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Example: You speaking my name with love v. 15

Fridays are dedicated to the Gospels.
In the Easter Season this year we read the final third of John’s Gospel.

For all the Firestarters I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand of these introductions with you on your phone or tablet. Check the menu options at the site for more information.