The Presence Flowing Down

Video meditation on Psalm 119:49-72

Audio of Meditation

Torah: the root, yara, means “to rain,” “flow down,” or “to shoot with direction,” such as an arrow. While English translates Torah as “law,” its meaning is closer to “teachings.” It is God’s presence raining down upon us according to God’s will. Torah is revelation about God and God’s ways by which we are to live according to the covenant offered to us.

The presence of the Lord flows down in a sweet anointing. Breathe each verse; every one contains some reference to God and revelation. Pray and be filled. The Lord aims the divine presence at you, flowing into you from the wells of living water springing up from within. In a few weeks, we will recall another presence of God raining down—the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Open yourself at this moment to the flowing down of the Holy Spirit into your being.

Psalm 119:49–72

What are Bible Breaths? Learn More
Example: Forgetting not your Torah v. 61

During the Easter Season this year we read Psalm 119 which has 176 verses.

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