As I Have Loved You

Love is freed from fickle ties to affection only. Now it is living out the ongoing presence of Jesus in the world through the way that he loved—unto death. The new commandment is not a stern, military-type order, but rather a charge, a mission, a commitment.

The setting for the reading is the Last Supper before Jesus’death. It is also appropriate on this Sunday as we enter into the final three of the seven weeks in the Easter season. Jesus approaches his last suppers during the time of glory when he was with the disciples after the resurrection until Ascension Thursday, forty days after Easter.

Let there arise in the depths of your soul that sense of AS Jesus has loved you—to the death … the death of self. Let the Spirit give you the gift of giving your life for others.

John 13:31–35

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Example: Loving as Jesus has loved v. 34

Sundays are dedicated to the Gospels from the Revised Common Lectionary.
In year C, during the Easter Season, we read from John’s Gospel, with Luke on the Seventh Week.

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