The Examined Life

We often consider an examination of conscience as a judgmental, knitted eyebrow, pointing the finger at our own soul, bringing up feelings of guilt and shame. The word comes from the Latin examen, which literally means the “marker on a scale.” Think of the careful, gentle look you give a postal scale to see if you need to add extra postage to that special piece of mail.

The scale, or a see saw, is how Proverbs are. Each side is balanced with its opposite. Read today’s proverbs slowly, placing your soul in the balance of each one, literally weighing your life according to the measure of each proverb.

Notice how your soul tilts as you pray them. Speaking of scales, beware of any double standards in your life. The ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates said: “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

Proverbs 20

What are Bible Breaths? Learn More…
Example: Honor to refrain from strife v. 3

Tuesdays are dedicated to the Old Testament books of history
and the Hebrew “Writings.”
In the Season of Pentecost this year we read Proverbs 20—21; 1 Kings.


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