The Sleeping Seed

Farmers have completed their work of planting the seeds. Only the power of God in life itself is going to take over now. God’s Kingdom life is like that. It will prevail, despite its being hidden and small at first.

Jesus sleeps as a seed in the bottom of the boat. He awakens and rebukes not only the wind and the waves, but the unbelief of the disciples as well.

Believe that the Spirit deep within you, apparently asleep, is really at work bringing Pentecost life to flourish in you. It will happen, if you let it. Spend time in the silence, just being with the Lord as the seed of God’s love grows within you. Others will then find rest in the shadow of your arms as branches of God’s own love for them.

Mark 4:26-41

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Example: “Peace! Be still! And there was calm. v. 39

Fridays are dedicated to the Gospels. This year, we generally read
from the Gospel of Mark, this season, chapters 4 to 9.

For the next several weeks, the Firestarters will be from the original version of this program. For these Firestarters I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand of these introductions with you on your phone or tablet. Check the menu options at the site for more information.

How does the Word touch you?