Married to God

Infidelity in marriage is sacrilegious because it is a reflection of the infidelity of God’s people to the Lord. God’s covenant is as a marriage. Think of it: the God of the universe invites his people to marry God. Keep this in mind as you read the strong ordeal that a woman suspected of infidelity must undergo. You will read about the Nazirite vow; recall that you are to be separate from all that is unholy and profane. This vow is one of the ways in which a person consciously and deliberately lived apart for God in one’s daily habits.

How do your habits demonstrate that you are living for God alone, as the spouse of your soul? Memorize the blessing in verses 24 to 26. Bless your family as you do.

Numbers 5:11—6:27

This is the second of three parts of the Torah Portion Naso (Census) 
Conservative and Reform Jewish congregations read only this part this year,
as also in this Bible plan.
Here is the entire portion in all three parts.

Numbers 4:21—7:89

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Examples:The Lord bless you and keep you 6:24

God’s face shining; God gracious v. 2

God’s countenance upon you v. 26

May the Lord give you His peace. v. 26

The Saturday passages follow the reading list that Jewish people use in their synagogue worship
throughout the world. They are taken from
“The Torah,” the first five books of the Bible from Genesis to Deuteronomy
that are read each year beginning with autumn.

For all the Firestarters I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand of these introductions with you on your phone or tablet. Check the menu options at the site for more information