The Lord Leads the Way

The presence of the Lord in the cloud by day and the fire by night: picture this abiding presence, and the direction that this presence will give. It is time for the Chosen People to move on from Sinai. The Law has been given. The tablets become part of the sacrament of God’s presence to them. Hear the sound of the trumpets as the lives of our ancestors are quickened. The Lord says, “It is time to move on.” There is joy when we know that the Lord is calling us to move forward in life.

In Revelations 8 to 12, the trumpets spark the final war in the heavens. There is a spiritual war waged on the battlefield of your own soul. However, Jesus won the victory already. May the cross go before you.

Numbers 9:15—10:34

This is the second of three parts of the Torah Portion Behaalot’cha (When You Kindle)  
Conservative and Reform Jewish congregations read only this part this year,
as also in this Bible plan.
Here is the entire portion in all three parts.

Numbers 8:1—12:16

Examples of Bible Breaths Learn More…
Example: Cloud by day and fire by night 9:16

The Saturday passages follow the reading list that Jewish people use in their synagogue worship
throughout the world. They are taken from
“The Torah,” the first five books of the Bible from Genesis to Deuteronomy
that are read each year beginning with autumn.

For the next several weeks, the Firestarters will be from the original version of this program. For these Firestarters I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand of these introductions with you on your phone or tablet. Check the menu options at the site for more information.