Faith Connection

Crowds press about while Jesus is on his way to heal a young girl. A woman with a hemorrhage has one focus: “I’ve just got to come near him. Even if I touch the hem of his cloak, I’ll be healed.” She insists, refusing to allow the crowd to put her off. She keeps the focus, moving nearer and nearer to Jesus, as she crawls on the ground among the people.

Then the moment of contact … Power flows forth from Jesus to heal her. It is like being jump-started. The good battery of Jesus’s power is “ever-ready”. However, there needs to be faith-cables of good conduction. The woman’s faith connected with Jesus’s healing power. Her faith saved her. How are your cables? Are they broken or connected to Jesus?

Mark 5:21–43

Create your own Bible Breaths Learn More…
Example: “Do not fear; only believe.” v.36

Fridays are dedicated to the Gospels. This year, we generally read
from the Gospel of Mark, this season, chapters 4 to 9.

For the next several weeks, the Firestarters will be from the original version of this program. For these Firestarters I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand of these introductions with you on your phone or tablet. Check the menu options at the site for more information.