Irradiating Love

Taste every word and phrase in profound meditation. God promises to release divine holiness and love into the human community. Yet the coming of the Holy Spirit is not enough; there must be a YES from deep within, as when Mary opened herself when the Word became flesh.

The Word becomes flesh in you by the Holy Spirit, the person of God that longs to dwell inside you. The Holy Spirit will enable you to do what the world cannot do—love in an absolute and unconditional way. Then comes a peace, which the world cannot give, for it is not the world’s to give.

Ready your heart to receive the Holy Spirit. It is the very love of God irradiating through you.

John 14:23–29

What are “Bible Breaths”? Learn More…
Example: Holy Spirit reminding v. 26

Sundays are dedicated to the Gospels from the Revised Common Lectionary.
In year C, during the Easter Season, we read from John’s Gospel, with Luke on the Seventh Week.

For all the Firestarters I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand of these introductions with you on your phone or tablet. Check the menu options at the site for more information.

How does the Word touch you?