The Flow of Love and Peace

Whether it’s Niagara Falls, cascading water at the mall, or a little fountain on your able at home: flowing water makes for rest and refreshment.  This brief psalm shares the same feeling.  The writer feels that a loving community is like flowing anointment on Aaron’s face, and the falling dew from great Mount Hermon onto the smaller hills of Jerusalem. 

Think of those who make up your immediate community—family and close friends at church or school. Do love and peace flow among all of you?  When this isn’t happening, is there something you can do to help make the flow better?  Just as in the psalm, the flowing down comes from above….what does this suggest to you?

Psalm 133

Here is a sample of a seven-syllable breath-prayer
from today’s reading:

Unity as flowing oil v. 2

For more information about this creative way to pray, see Bible Breaths.

This is the Fourth Week in Lent.
Spring in the north.  Year C
Wednesdays are dedicated to the Psalms

Seasons of Grace – A Calendar for 2019

Solar and Sacred Seasons
Some adjustments to make the church year simpler.

These Firestarters are from a new edition of The Bible Through the Seasons being developed for families with children. For the Firestarters in the original edition, I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand Firestarters with you on your phone or tablet.  More information…