A Song of Victory

Here we have a psalm that is a collection of the writer’s favorite verses from psalms 57 and 60.  It’s a wonderful prayer on this middle day of Holy Week, sometimes called “Spy Wednesday,” recalling Judas’s plot against Jesus.  The psalm is a confident song of victory in the midst of trouble.  

Pray this psalm as though you are praying for the whole world that all the nations of the earth will come to adore and love their suffering King who soon will be triumphant.

Psalm 108

Here is a sample of a seven-syllable breath-prayer
from today’s reading:
My heart is steadfast, O God. v. 1

For more information about this creative way to pray, see Bible Breaths.

This is Holy Week.
Spring in the north.  Year C
Wednesdays are dedicated to the Psalms

Seasons of Grace – A Calendar for 2019

Solar and Sacred Seasons
Some adjustments to make the church year simpler.

These Firestarters are from a new edition of The Bible Through the Seasons being developed for families with children. For the Firestarters in the original edition, I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand Firestarters with you on your phone or tablet.  More information…