Empty Spaces

Easter Sunday – The Day of the Resurrection

“Why are you looking in a tomb for someone who is alive”? Luke 24:5

There are empty spaces after Good Friday.  There is the empty space on the cross when Jesus is taken down from it, followed by the empty space of silence: Jesus is gone…no more the sweetness of his voice, the joyful shouts of those healed by the hands of Jesus.

Holy women come to the tomb of Jesus to turn the stench of death into a sweet smell by special perfumed oils.  But what do they find? More emptiness!  The tomb is empty: what happened to Jesus?  Soon that empty space would be filled by faith that Jesus had risen.  They would see him face to face in his new body after death.  The empty space in the hearts of those who loved Jesus begin to be filled with tremendous joy.

Join the loved ones of the Lord and listen to this Resurrection story and let wherever you feel empty, be filled with the risen presence of Jesus who will be with you always.

 Luke 24:1-12

These Firestarters are from a new edition of The Bible Through the Seasons being developed for families with children. For the Firestarters in the original edition, I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand of these introductions with you on your phone or table!.  Click here to visit the website for more information.