He Is Risen: Alleluia!

Following him, Simon Peter entered the tomb and saw the linen cloths lying there.
John 20:7

“The first day of the week…” It’s a whole new week in so many ways! It’s the first day of a week when Jesus is risen.  In all the weeks that follow this one, right up to this present week, Jesus’s presence seeks to change the world…if you and I would like to listen and allow ourselves to be changed into the likeness of Jesus and his Resurrection.

St. John has the Garden of Eden in mind, with Adam and Eve recalled in the figures of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  It’s a new creation that has come about!  How about awakening everyday this week and saying quietly out loud this ancient greeting: “Jesus is Risen: alleluia, alleluia!”  In the churches in the East, that’s the way Christians greet each other.  Instead of saying “Hello,” one person says, “Christ is Risen: alleluia, alleluia. The reply comes, “He is truly risen, alleluia, alleluia!

John 20:1-10

These Firestarters are from a new edition of The Bible Through the Seasons being developed for families with children. For the Firestarters in the original edition, I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand of these introductions with you on your phone or table!.  Click here to visit the website for more information.