My Wait and My Weight 

We are not very good at waiting in modern society. We want immediate results. Waiting implies impatience, irritation and perhaps even the doubt that what one is waiting for is going to happen.

Not so in the Hebrew mind. Waiting for the Lord” in the Hebrew Scriptures is a serene, confident hope that the Lord is going to intervene, even if not immediately. However relentless be the attacks of evil that come upon a person, evil will have much less patience than the patience given as a grace to wait for the Lord. That is why David can say with such assurance that the weight in the scale of proud, arrogant, and wealthy people is very light in comparison to the weight of the presence of the Lord.

Augustine called God Pondus Meum, “My Weight.” As you pray this psalm, let the weight of your centered, relaxed body by a sign of God’s risen presence in Christ who now lives within you after your days of Lenten waiting.

Psalm 62

What are Bible Breaths? Learn More
Example: Waiting for God in silence vv. 1,5

We continue to read the Psalms in numerical order.

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