Proverbs Breathe 

Give yourself time to become quiet. Be aware of your breathing slowing down. Watch the movement of your breaths. Proverbs are the flow of the breath, with exhales and inhales. Meditate on the first line of each proverb as you breathe in, the second part as you breathe out. The satisfaction one feels when breathing deeply and completely finds its counterpart in the completeness of each proverb.

Verse 2 catches the essence of this, noting the danger of hastiness with one’s feet, before one has knowledge. Wisdom is an inner spiritual knowledge that takes time to receive. Do not be rushed when you read Proverbs. Go slowly. You will be richly rewarded.

Proverbs 19

What are Bible Breaths? Learn More…
Example: Overlooking all offense v. 11

Tuesdays are dedicated to the Old Testament books of history
and the Hebrew “Writings.”
In the Easter Season this year we read Proverbs 17 – 19 and Ezra.


For all the Firestarters I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand of these introductions with you on your phone or tablet. Check the menu options at the site for more information