Held by the Good Shepherd 

The most beloved image of Jesus is the Good Shepherd. As though recalling Psalm 23, Christians etched these pictures of Jesus in the “dark valleys” of the catacombs of Rome where they hid from persecutions. From a very early tradition as well, comes the center-piece of the Easter Season, “Good Shepherd Sunday.”

Your Good Shepherd laid down his life for you and took it up again, to share it with you. He knows you by name; you are one of his beloved sheep. Do you believe this? Do you know the sweet sound of your name said with love and forgiveness? You and I know the abrasive noises of the present and the echoes of the past that poke at the heart with guilt and shame. I am sure you have many “Romans” who want to persecute you! Look at the Good Shepherd etched into your heart of flesh and rejoice.

John 10:11–18

What are “Bible Breaths”? Learn More…
Example: You calling me by my name v. 4

Sundays are dedicated to the Gospels from the Revised Common Lectionary.

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