Carpeted with the Resurrection 

As you pray this psalm, list the number of God’s actions of which David is aware. On land and sea, the Lord is at work. David describes the actions of God’s bounty in the abundant fields and herds.

Your God is a God at work in your own life. If you were to make a list of the favors that the Lord has granted to you, the list would be very long. Even the things that at first glance hardly seem as blessings can become so. Nothing negative can happen to you, but that the Lord is seeking to bring about an even greater blessing for you. Will you let God do this?

Prayer is powerful. It unleashes the loving blessings of God into our lives. You need not complain. You are not a victim, but a victor in Jesus’s resurrection. The resurrection has carpeted your life! Praise the Lord for who God is and for what God does.

Psalm 65

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Example: Joy to live within Your courts v. 4

We continue to read the Psalms in numerical order.

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