Three Symbols 

Ezekiel confronts the people with three powerful symbols, convicting them with their chronic unfaithfulness to God. First, Samaria and Jerusalem are harlots. They prostitute themselves in alliances with foreign nations, placing trust in them, instead of in the Lord. Second, there is a filthy pot. Just as we clean a modern oven by emptying it and turning up the heat, so the pot, which is Jerusalem, is to be emptied and burned in exile, so that the city becomes clean again for the Lord. Third, Ezekiel’s wife dies and God forbids him to mourn her. So too are the people forbidden to mourn for the Temple which will be destroyed in the near future.

How do you relate to these symbols? Let the fire of the Holy Spirit cleanse the “pot” which is your life so that you can be whole and pure in the Lord’s sight.

Ezekiel 23—24

Mondays are dedicated to the reading of the Hebrew Prophets.
In the Season of Easter this year we read Ezekiel 17-32.

What are “Bible Breaths”? Learn More…
Example: Purify my heart, O Lord.

For all the Firestarters I recommend the ebook.  You will have the entire program of well over a thousand of these introductions with you on your phone or tablet. Check the menu options at the site for more information.

How does the Word touch you?